Monday, 28 May 2012

Weekly Goals

May this weather never end.

So I didn't do too badly on last weeks goals . The major ones were achieved , I went to the interview at the CBA and it went very well and I am going in for training on the 20th of June . It's actually a job I wish I could get paid to do ,apparently I'll be something called triage assessor ( or similar ) So I basically interview anyone that comes in and decide what department they need to be seen by . I suspect it is a job that didn't used to be voluntary but with cuts it's now done by non paid lackeys . Things are not so great with museum ,I attended the health and safety boredom but I again heard nothing despite giving them by email and phone number again .I think they just don't want me but aren't going to say it themselves .It is quite annoying because it's something I am really interested in. I have been vocal about that when I've been there too. 

I've been back applying for paying jobs again .I will admit to giving up for a while ,to help me I ordered a new sim card and stuck it in an old mobile . I put this number on my c.v so that any calls to that phone ,I know are job related .I get so many calls on my normal mobile that I don't know the source of due to putting my number in stupid places ,so I could quite easily miss important calls . 

My attempts to write meaningful blogs on here have fallen a bit but everyone is allowed a week of aren't they? Maybe not if I was a popular blog but no one is actually reading this so it's not like it matters a lot ,apart from to me. The progress on my book has also been slow , that is mainly because it's been so lovely and sunny this week and I've been out in the sunshine not holed up in my room tapping away .I also have a little bit of a block , there are certain bits of the story that I'm having trouble connecting to each other but id rather think of it naturally than push it and come up with something rubbish . 

The bad side ..

I didn't win the lottery ,I did get £6.20 on the euromillions though not quite enough to buy that mansion. 

Lastly I totally failed on the speaking to a certain someone and sorting that whole thing out ,in fact it just worse and I am still a bloody coward ! 

This weekend is the jubilee ,I was meant to be working for the museum at an event but that's all up in the air and the he is coming down some point over the weekend for beach /seaside fun . I plan to instagram filter the hell out the funfair and arcades . 

Goals for this week

  • Sort out the museum situation 
  • Start writing every day 
  • Get a haircut ( I am terrible and hate going to the hairdresser and put it off in till it's shocking)
  • Apply for 5 jobs
Nothing to taxing this week I know .

What are everyone's goals for the week ahead? 


Saturday, 26 May 2012

Eurovision -A short blog-along

Feel a bit sorry for the Hump :( 

Why do we even bother entering this rubbish every year when everyone in there right mind knows it's a massive political load of rubbish? If someone came out on the stage and sang bohemian rhapsody or stairway to heaven which are frequently voted the best song ever ,then we still wouldn't win the silly thing!! Everyone hates us and were not surrounded by tons of states which used to be one place . I mean even Ireland don't give us much! Yet every year we all end up watching this rubbish !! 

We just gave Ireland the 10 points .. For Jedward .They were are prefect for eurovision for goodness but they can't even win! Why don't they just change the whole thing to just " baltic state vision " .

A tweet I've just seen "I'm so upset. I reckon if we entered Adele into this even she wouldn't win. "

So true. Not be upsetting just the facts .

The hump is 76 years old! he might not even make it back from Azerbajian which as far I'm concerned isn't even in Europe!!! 

Such utter rubbish.

Have fun hosting whatever random pseudo European state wins this year , we've got the olympics .

The Hump still has 1 point .19 countries in 


Monday, 21 May 2012

Monday Monday

              It's Monday Morning again . While the rest of the world rushes back to work,I sit here wondering what the hell happened to mine and how I am ever going to get it back on track?

This week and perhaps every week , I need to start setting myself goals so I feel like I'm doing something ,anything to pass the days and achieve anything . This weeks goals ,they might seem very small to a lot of people but as I have reached motivation rock bottom in the last few months .It will mean a lot too me .

  • Go to Museum second induction .Ask them why I'm not on the rota. Be brave 
  • Reply to email about the CBA training .Go to interview .Don't chicken out 
  • Apply for at least one job .A real one 
  • Write at least two meaningful blog posts 
  • Plan out book idea properly .Stop just writing random bits .
  • Buy a lottery ticket on Tuesday ( Euromillions!!)
  • Ride my bike . rode to the co op cashpoint .Almost died of heart attack
  • Talk to Ben .Properly .
Wish me luck x 

Friday, 18 May 2012

A ramble : Pinterest drooling and the "rinsers".

This is literally a ramble.

I joined Pinterest .It's another one those websites I'm not clued up on ,a bit like tumblr which kind of confuses to too .O.K it totally confuses me .I really do feel like I'm losing touch with the "youth" there so many things there into which I don't get .Some days I feel really flipping old ! The one thing I am not too keen on ,is the real name aspect of pinterest ,is there any way of changing that .I am want to stay Lacey god dammit ! 

I spent too much time this afternoon creating my dream outfit  ..Clickyclicky

Oh Jesus .That jumper is just gorgeous ,I want it's babies . Jumper babies which are probably like cardigans or something .. or those horrible boleros /shrug things off the 90s.Hideous 

Did anyone see that program about those girls the " rinsers? " If I was one them I'd be asking for this .That's how poor I am, there were asking for designer gear .I'm asking for a £40 jumper ( which I personally think is expensive ) .I bet those superscrimpers would convince me I could make it myself from a piece of old flannel and some glued on staples.. I saw an episode this afternoon , they never had stuff like that in the charity shop I worked in trust me.. 

Those rinsers girls though ..I know they were pretty ( dolled up ) but the CHEEK ! Oh I fancy some shoes ,I'll just stick them on my bbm and someone will buy them for me?! and the girl who charged men to speak to her for 10 MINUTES!! Why are these men so foolish to waste there money on these women ? SERIOUSLY I didn't get it at all . They get nothing out it ? Because apparently they never have sex or even kiss the men in involved? That's a little hard to believe for me , but then again I'm not super good looking like them , I practically have to be giving a man a blow job to get a vodka and lemonade out of him . It's a different world for those girls ,I wrote a Post while ago about the subject. 

I could no doubt spent a considerable amount of time talking about those kind of girls but I would no doubt be deemed a fat jealous cow . I am not opposed to admitting I am bit jealous of there ability to get what they want ,when ever they want it . There needs to be niche for those who want to spoil ,lonely fatties whose hair currently resembles a horses qmane ? How comes no one has invented this fetish? Take some poor girl who just need some nice stuff in her life and transform her into whatever you want? " The Cinderella complex " .Yes,I'm inventing this now . I don't think it actually exists .Men like that want you already pretty and prefect . Such is life , good comes only to those have it already.

I think this ramble is done! same time next week ? 


Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Secret Ambition : Why not?

Secret ambitions .Do we all have them ? This blog itself is totally secret from anyone in my real life , I don't even post it to my twitter feed because I know one of my friends follows me . I think everyone has that deep down pipe dream they wish could make happen .It could be anything .It just that some people have the confidence and means to make that happen ,to turn it from a dream to reality . Mine is utterly stereotypical ,it's been there in back of head for years . It's an ambition countless people have but never achieve . 

I want to write a book .

Even writing it down seems a bit pathetic ,I mean me of all people . My written English is terrible for a native speaker ,I look back my blogs and see the mistakes even after I've run them through several spelling and grammar checkers. For me it's about achieving something ,sitting down and actually finishing a project . To have something of some magnitude that I've completed . I know I have the imagination to do it , so why can't I do this? It helps that an idea for a story lodged itself in my head and has yet to disappear .So what if it's actually rubbish , it's not about anyone seeing it .I want do something I AM proud of . 

I don't have the time issues that effect a lot of would be writers . I don't want to wait in till November novel writing month ( or whatever it's called ) because I am as and when person ,with no patience to wait when I have an idea . Strike while the iron is hot . 

I am going to do this .

This time I will achieve something . 

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Soapbox Sunday :Government scaremongering

It is no big news that we live in somewhat of a nanny state these days .This according to the OED is defined as “
term of British origin (and primary use) that conveys a view that a government or its policies are overprotective or interfering unduly with personal choice “.

Although I can not vouch for other countries when I say this, here in the U.K it's reaching quite ridiculous levels. I like to think as an adult human being I have a modicum of intelligence as do the majority of the population .Certainly there maybe some members of society who are slightly further down the spectrum and need a little assistance but the majority of us can get by without interference. If I wanted to live in a totalitarian state I wouldn't be living in the modern western country that I supposedly grew up in. 

For the past decade or so the government as begun to ever increasing force itself on us ,through endless public health & lifestyle schemes .Before I launch in a rant about the latest the latest campaign of this nature  .I will say that some of these can be seen as informative and in the public interest .Some years ago ,as a struggling student I took job working for the call centre end of a stop smoking campaign .No one would argue that encouraging the population to give up the "evil weed" is a bad thing and there is no doubt it did help many people . Similar public service films for road safety & smoke alarms  serve an immediate purpose .Don't get a smoke alarm ,there is very real possibility you could end up dead in a short space of time. Enjoy a glass of rose with your dinner? You might get cancer ,which FYI one in three of us are getting anyway . There is just no comparison. 

There comes line though when you just don't need to the government to tell how to live your life .Don't you think we got on fine before someone told us we need to eat five a day? why five? who decided that anyway ? 

Do you think that adults don't know for example that vegetables and fruit are good for them? Of course we do that’s primary school and childhood information .Do we like them ,no maybe we don’t. Hence why we as individuals make our own lifestyle choices of our own back. Yes we might know it's ultimately good for us but let us make our own choices and stop hammering it down our throats. I won't begin to go even go into conflicting and ever changing "advice" on alcohol consumption and idea that this generation ,my generation somehow invented binge drinking .I bet nobody told my father he was a danger to society when he was drinking I quote "a galleon" a day of beer in the 1970s.It was while I did some tentative research for this post ,that I discovered that even the French are being told to drink NO wine whatsoever .The French ,the second biggest producer of wine in the wine ,and the biggest consumers outside of the US. 

The latest line of government intervention is nothing short of scaremongering.It started on the radio a few months ago ,a rather grim advert advising us too check for blood in are poo .According to the advert ,you might have cancer .Do they realise how much the word CANCER strikes fear into people? I'm not a medical expert but I am sure there a good few reasons for this happening other than having cancer .No doubt this lead to already busy doctors waiting rooms clogged up with hypochondriacs & worriers "well the radio told me I might have cancer, that I'm just straining too hard”. It turns out this isn't a one off, in the last week new adverts along the same lines have launched this time its ' your cough could be cancer " .I suffer from coughs badly myself, have I ever thought it would be cancer? No , not seriously , so next time I have one thanks for planting that seed in my head.

The stop smoking campaign I worked for.

Is this the best way to get people to change their lifestyles to the scare them rigid? Eat a burger? You'll have a heart attack, smoke cigarette you'll definitely get cancer, Drink Alcohol you'll get mouth cancer .The scaremongering is endless these days .Surely the time and money would be better spend educating the next generation, so the powers that be don’t feel the need to babysit a nation of people who are probably not listening. 
The standard argument is that illness is caused by bad lifestyle choices and this ultimately a strain on the NHS .While is undoubtedly true in same cases what would happen if the government got their nation of docile leaf munching tee total drones ? A nation of super centenarians needing care ,because how many 110 years old do you know who don't need some form of care ? even the ones who claim to have lead illness free lives & swear by a whiskey a day are in homes ,homes that cost money.

I understand that a lot of people will disagree with me ,that's fair enough we are all entitled to an opinion but this just a phenomenon that particularly grinds my gears .Why not just instigate government maintained food for us all ,like they've done in schools ?
Only producing and importing food on an approved list. Legally bound doctors appointments with prison like fat camps if our BMI dares to appear out a “safe level”, a total ban on alcohol and cigarettes. Obviously this isn’t going to happen, there is too much revenue in everything that is deemed bad for us ,which just makes every thing they slam down our throats so ridiculous ,why don't they just ban cigarettes etc ? Oh yeah ...

I'm so sick of hearing how these hypocrites want us to live the one life we get on this earth ,I'm thinking of moving to a tropical island ,just one with a decent supply of rose wine and pizza .

Friday, 11 May 2012

Happy Picture Friday ?

Dried up moat ,Wicked old tree, Castle walls ,My face with requiste stuck on looking nose,  Examining a grave , Mumsie ,Bridge ,Seawood drenched foot ,Inner walls.

Happy Friday Bloggers :) 

I have nothing but some pretty photos today .


Thursday, 10 May 2012

Tales from the useless files : Learning to drive

This is inspired by emsipop's recent post about Learning to drive . This tale my friends is how not to learn to a drive and another disastrous tale in my life of being useless.

I first had driving lessons ,as soon I could at seventeen .It's safe say I wasn't a nature at it ,and went through three driving instructors in a very short time ,taking and failing my test three times .The Following incidents really happened on my tests.

  • I'm about two mins into my first ever driving test ,a set of traffic ahead are green I proceeded as you would ..but no an elderly person on a mobility scooter darts out from the crowd of people at the crossing ,causing an emergency stop situation and immediate failure.To this day ,I say how was it my fault this person of advance years decided to dart out when it was red for pedestrians ?! Hey Hey?! Could have saved me a lot more money in driving lessons and tests ...and the next incident. 

  • I'm not sure which number test this happened on ,I kind of blocked out the failures in the end .I would be get extremely nervous on tests ,I know everyone is nervous but I was beyond that.I would sweat and physically shake and probably wasn't in any state for being examined .So I am driving along nicely on this one ,when I was asked to pull up at the side and then off again .A simple part of the test you would think? Now when your learning to drive there is a awful lot of mirror use that your marked on.I was determined that I would look in my mirrors and behind me as much as possible .I basically ended up looking like the Churchill nodding dog .

I swung my head round in such an exaggerated fashion to prove to the examiner that I was looking behind me ..that I smashed my head straight into the closed window .Yes,I basically half concussed myself on a window ..during  my driving test .Needless to say this was ridiculously embarrassing ,even the examiner had a look that said " wow this is a bad one " .I was given several minutes to "calm down" at the side of the road and carry on .Would you believe I failed ? 

I ended up giving up learning to drive for around a year before I was persuaded to try again. I finally passed on my fourth attempt ,I could not believe it and did a cheesy jumping in the air with pass certificate in the test centre car park .It was one the happiest days of my life because it took me so long .I think it means more if you struggled and don't pass your test first time in five seconds flat.

Seven years on ,I am actually more of a nervous driver than I originally was but that is more do with a certain incident involving  a lorry and a scouser..but that's a story for another day!

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Snapshots of a girl.

new earring,foot tattoo ,eyebrows,face,favourite jumper, because it's baggy ,hooded eye,wonky nose and chickenpox scar,bleach blonde frazzled hair,terrible lego tattoo,clipped nails,rubbery lips.double chin.

Why is finding faults so easy? There is no way I could ever create a photo montage of things I like about myself , yet the features I hate come to mind so easily .This took me about twenty minutes to create ,I didn't even intend to pick up my flaws ,I was just messing about with my camera & Picasa (FYI  it's amazing , I could spend all day messing about on it) but there they were glaring at me .Granted some of them are self inflicted such as my bad tattoo choices .Privately I'm not that bothered by the tattoos I kind of see them as my history ,life experiences if you will. I remember vividly the day and circumstances I got them all, some of them take me back to happier times too. Other things like having a wonky nose, saggy eyelids won't ever change without surgery .I wonder if ill just wake up one morning and be just O.K with it all .Maybe even able to find something I like .Am I always going to be wishing the day, would come when I can have a surgery overall from top to bottom?

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

A tale of teenagers and my nosiness.

I’m a big people watcher, particularly when I’m travelling alone without a book or music. Perhaps it’s having studied sociology or maybe I’m just a bit of a nosey Parker .I like observing ,obviously not just staring at them but having general social awareness that perhaps others aren’t quite tuned into.

I travelled on a new bus route today, fancy new buses with comfortable leather seats and televisions, in both directions the journey was mostly populated with teenagers travelling to and from college. I haven’t been teenager for quite some time now, emotionally it was a lifetime ago at least .When your teenager your totally unaware that anything you say or do might seem utterly ridiculous to people that little bit older than .You live in a bubble of teenage hood, never really thinking that one day your going to be that twenty something sitting at the back of bus quietly laughing at how ridiculous you sound. If I could meet myself at seventeen now, I would no doubt cringe at my behaviour.I wore some shocking outfits that stick out in my memory and was generally an annoying little trollop but at the time?  I probably thought I was pretty darn awesome.

Adults tend to lump teenagers into one large often derogatory group but what I observed in my idle eavesdropping showed just how different they are and how our first impressions can be totally wrong .Being social science minded ( even know I graduated a few ago now it still fascinates ) .I’m interested in how we end up in our little boxes ,what processes did we got through to become the ‘indie ‘ ,’nerds’ or the ‘chav’s’ .They were all the same once , just little kids running round the playground or nursery but they evolve to be totally different somehow. Obviously I know it's a whole huge range of factors that make us the people we become as adults but it is fascinating nevertheless.

Tales from my eavesdropping

On my outward journey, two boys got on probably around 16/17, acne and patchy beards dressed not very fashionably .You would instantly have named them nerds if you were being stereotypical, it turned out this pair were the top of the nerd tree .They proceeded to have a full on discussion about the various models of local buses, when they came into commission and about the demise of a bus they were ‘sad to see go’ .I was glad that they had found each to discuss there passion for first buses with..

The journey was home was even more packed with teenagers ,as it was later in the afternoon .A group of four got on ,they were dressed a lot more fashionably and some carried guitars .They talked about music the whole time . They spent the whole journey trying to out “I listen to be most obscure music “each other, and going on about how non mainstream there were .I found it particularly amusing when one proclaimed he hated indie kids .Pot kettle black?  

The last pair to join the bus was what anyone now would call “chavs” although. I’m so old they were called “townies” when I was teenager .Tracksuits and dirty caps ,even neck tattoos despite still having baby faces .They sat right next me and instantly begin educating me in the latest way to get high ,although I think I may have missed what the vital element was because ,since when has

  • Two Ibuprofen  
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • Hot water
 Got any one high for two days? so answers on a postcard if your clued up on this kind of thing because I was intrigued. The interesting thing was ,that as soon as these kids got on the bus I labelled them as something ,it's natural it's what we do as human beings . We  have preconceived ideas about people almost instantly .In end the indie kids with their nice clothes got off the bus at the worse part of town ,than cap sporting drug taking boys Says a lot about judging a book by it's cover.

I felt like I’d seen such a cross section of society today, just on one bus journey .Like a little microcosm .Just some thoughts I had and felt like writing down , I know most people reading this won't get it and will think I was perving on teenagers:

( Don't get me started on this ,I was on my way to a meeting about my new museum job which will obviously involve a lot of interaction with children ,so naturally we were passed a long document about appropriate interaction with children that is just how the world is today ).


Updated: Train boy

(This image is from the film brief encounter if your not familiar )

I just wanted to post a very quick update on a previous post .Perhaps if an influx of people suddenly start reading ( not likely ) they might want to know what happened with train boy? well this will be a very short post I'm sorry to say.

I waited till Sunday Morning ( roughly 48 hours post meeting ) ,I know I should have waited till Monday but I couldn't and it made no difference anyway .Out of the interest ,here is the quite frankly very friendly non stalkerish message I send him.

''Hello train boy ,bet you didn't think I'd actually look you up ( wah stalker alert !) dam this modern technology eh.I hope you got that best mate speech sorted in the end & the wedding went well 

p.s did you use the ''even the cake is crying '' in the end ..*shakes head*

p.s.s I'm the girl from Southampton to Reading in case there was an equally odd girl on each leg of your journey 

Needless to say ,he didn't reply and it is now Tuesday .There is no excuse for having not done so if he was going to by now .The only excuse I would expect would be death or sudden deployment to the outer Hebrides  (he was navy') .Everyone has facebook connected to there phone these days ,so I have no doubt he would have got the message almost instantly.He's just rude and thinks I'm mental,what else did I expect from a good looking matelot ? Been there done that ,got the t shirt covered in tears ( how dramatic!)

I'll just put it down to an entertaining chance encounter and not that I meet my soulmate on a train or anything equally ridiculous .It is not doubt karma for not plucking up the courage to end things with person currently in my life who is most definitely not my soulmate.

*The text in this post is messed up because I copy and pasted from facebook and it messes everything up!

Monday, 7 May 2012

A little lost.

Monday conundrum.

Why does my blog seemingly have to be about beauty and fashion for anyone to read it? I've done a little research through several sites and it seems all you can blog about as a girl is your family life ( 2.4 kids & hubby ) or beauty and fashion .Variables of latter included such as budget and thrift .I could tell you thing about about being on a budget ,given that my income is a practically zero .

I don't want to go down that route because it's been done to death and quite frankly I'm not that kind of girl I don't buy enough or care enough about beauty products .Yes I use them ,why ? because like women since the dawn of time I need to enhance the pitiful contribution that god gave me .As for family life ,well I'm childless and single so unless I fabricated a whole life ,it's kind of out of the question.

I'd feel like a fraud if I went down the beauty and fashion route ,but were does that leave me ? I've labelled myself 'lifestyle' on several websites because after a month or so of blogging I really haven't carved out a niche yet . I enjoy writing , about day to day events or thoughts that are flying round in my messed up head but surely that just constitutes a diary ? After spending nearly ten years in the online diary world I needed a break form it but still had the urge to write .

I'm feeling a little lost today ,perhaps it's the bank holiday ,a day when the country used to stop but today is exactly the same as every other day.I also hate the way my blog looks today ,it's vile and I need to change it all ,I basically hate my blog today . Maybe I should just step away and come back when I was actually have something constructive to say ? 

Instead I'll just sit editing ridiculous pictures of myself.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Sods law. & (Truths)

  •  There is always a stray spoon underneath the washing up bowl.
  •  When you have been drinking, you’ll wake super early the next day for maximum hangover effect.
  •  Half the numbers you did on the lottery last week, but decided to change because were they weren't working will come up this week to spite you.
  • When ever you put the TV or radio on .It’ll be the adverts on EVERY channel.
  •  A friend from out of town comes to stay; you enthuse about the awesome night-life in your town. Your home by midnight after standing in empty club with no one but you and the bar staff. It rained all night and they were not impressed with the local kebab shop with the ‘best special mayonnaise ‘in town.
  •  Everyone finds you attractive all of a sudden when you’re “in a relationship”
  •  Al fresco dining seems like a great idea .In till your attacked my wasps.
  •  If you’re told your mother you liked a certain food as a child to please her, your still forcing yourself to pretend to like it now.”Yum, yes I do love bananas mum! “
  • Opening up Google to urgently Google something and instantly forgetting what it was.
  • Wearing a coat because “it’s looks a little chilly outside “will end in you arriving back home a sweaty mess or carrying said coat everywhere you go that day. No coat, sudden temperature drop. Frozen all day.
  •  Rushing to a buy an outfit at the last minute will instantly turn all the clothes you saw and liked last week into hideous rags.
  •  Just when you think nail varnish is dry, you’ll move and it’ll smudge all over your hands.
  •  Your friends will want to walk when you wearing your highest most uncomfortable shoes.
  •  Asking a local for directions in a strange town will result in their “2 seconds round the corner “being a 30 minute trek.
  •  Someone will park outside your house when you have boot full of shopping.
  •  Telling yourself not to get over excited about  your national team in any sporting event because they will lose .Then getting completely over excited and crying when they lose...again.
  •  The thing you most want to eat in the fridge has gone out of date and you’re scared to eat it now.
  •  T.V programmes you love get cancelled /are hardly ever on, one that you hate is on constantly.
  • Wikipedia will ruin the plotlines of any new TV finds because you simply had to know what the lead actor had been in before..then read the entire synopsis for every season

  • The one that got away will get married /settle down before you.
  • If you need to use something you haven't for while ,it won't work and you'll have to  buy a new one.

Chance Encounters.

Love isn't easy to find ,especially when your constantly searching for it .They say you should just wait and it will turn up when you least expect it .How do you know that the chance encounter you just had isn't something more significant ? Or do you go out on a limb and hope for the best ? Seize the day and similar cliches.

This weekend was tale of two halves a possible ending and possible beginning.All with in  the space of 24 hours .I started out on my three train ,two hour journey to visit my current "romantic interest '' ,unfortunately my visit was supposed to be the end of this current situation.The distance and a general lack of feelings on my part mean that it must come to end soon.It's just that breaking up & hearts ,well it's kind of hard who knew?

My second train,the bulk of my journey was a busy one travelling between two larger cities with multiple connections and I was forced to share a table with a stranger.He remained a stranger for around 30 seconds ,he smiled and we instantly began chatting. If you had happened to walk past yesterday you would be forgiven for thinking we were already friends. We chatted about everything it was possible to in an hour or so,there were also were outrageous amounts of eye contact .We told each other lots of silly stories and embarrassing tales ( he showed me his cringeworthy power ballad collection,his face almost touching mine has we lent over his Ipod together )

''I can't believe I'm saying this to a stranger '' we said several times .It was like being on the easiest date in the world and there was no alcohol involved at all .Who says we need social lubricant to meet anyone these days? 

I managed to establish most of the vitals were he lives,his occupation and relationship status without trying.He also gave me his full name ,making it easy to contact him ( yes I've facebook stalked already,who wouldn't?  ) .I was genuinely sad when the train pulled in at my stop and I had to leave him ,his journey a full 3 hours longer than mine .I was sadder than when I left my current ..well I'm not really sure what he is that is another story for a different blog post.

I've yet to decide what to do ,do I leave it has a chance encounter with a lovely guy ? Do I sent a friendly message on Monday? .The worst he can do is not reply right? or will I look like crazy stalker train girl? 

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Day zero.

I am seriously considering putting some effort into creating a day zero list . It's just that completing the list itself seems even harder than my dissertation at university was .It's 101 tasks to complete in 1001 days but thinking of those 101 tasks is significantly harder than you would think.I struggle with creatively ,I have always wished that creatively came easily to me,unfortunately not. I love photography but I am not good at it ,even creating a header for this blog took me some time ( yes that took me an afternoon ) .I can't draw or play an instrument & my baking never rises .I'm just a bit of a loser really. Given that I have so much time on my hands ,the day zero project seemed like a great way to create some structure and purpose to my days. I think it best to keep it mostly simple tasks,rather than filling the list entirely with epic unobtainable wishes.

Rather than attempting to list all 101 at once ,I'm splitting my list into 10 tasks at a time and officially naming day zero when I have the full 101 written down . I want the list to form as naturally as possible so that I am happy to try and achieve all 101 and so that I'm not writing down things I know I won't ever end up achieving.

First 10 

  • Categorize all my music playlist's into decades ,genres and favourites.Delete tracks I never actually list too.
  • Discover a new album/ artist every day for a week ,listen to the whole album start to finish.
  • Get that guitar I keep saying I will ! 
  • Learn to play it ,don't let it sit in the corner of my room gathering dust.
  • Buy some trainers (in prelude to exercising!) 
  • Don't drink alcohol or fizzy drink for a week.
  • Go swimming 
  • Don't spend a single penny for a week.
  • Learn to eat at least one vegetable (aside from spinach which I already eat )
  • Keep diary entries every day for a week / film a day in life vlog ( an interesting day!)