I am seriously considering putting some effort into creating a day zero list . It's just that completing the list itself seems even harder than my dissertation at university was .It's 101 tasks to complete in 1001 days but thinking of those 101 tasks is significantly harder than you would think.I struggle with creatively ,I have always wished that creatively came easily to me,unfortunately not. I love photography but I am not good at it ,even creating a header for this blog took me some time ( yes that took me an afternoon ) .I can't draw or play an instrument & my baking never rises .I'm just a bit of a loser really. Given that I have so much time on my hands ,the day zero project seemed like a great way to create some structure and purpose to my days. I think it best to keep it mostly simple tasks,rather than filling the list entirely with epic unobtainable wishes.
Rather than attempting to list all 101 at once ,I'm splitting my list into 10 tasks at a time and officially naming day zero when I have the full 101 written down . I want the list to form as naturally as possible so that I am happy to try and achieve all 101 and so that I'm not writing down things I know I won't ever end up achieving.
First 10
- Categorize all my music playlist's into decades ,genres and favourites.Delete tracks I never actually list too.
- Discover a new album/ artist every day for a week ,listen to the whole album start to finish.
- Get that guitar I keep saying I will !
- Learn to play it ,don't let it sit in the corner of my room gathering dust.
- Buy some trainers (in prelude to exercising!)
- Don't drink alcohol or fizzy drink for a week.
- Go swimming
- Don't spend a single penny for a week.
- Learn to eat at least one vegetable (aside from spinach which I already eat )
- Keep diary entries every day for a week / film a day in life vlog ( an interesting day!)
Do it, do it :D