Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Updated: Train boy

(This image is from the film brief encounter if your not familiar )

I just wanted to post a very quick update on a previous post .Perhaps if an influx of people suddenly start reading ( not likely ) they might want to know what happened with train boy? well this will be a very short post I'm sorry to say.

I waited till Sunday Morning ( roughly 48 hours post meeting ) ,I know I should have waited till Monday but I couldn't and it made no difference anyway .Out of the interest ,here is the quite frankly very friendly non stalkerish message I send him.

''Hello train boy ,bet you didn't think I'd actually look you up ( wah stalker alert !) dam this modern technology eh.I hope you got that best mate speech sorted in the end & the wedding went well 

p.s did you use the ''even the cake is crying '' in the end ..*shakes head*

p.s.s I'm the girl from Southampton to Reading in case there was an equally odd girl on each leg of your journey 

Needless to say ,he didn't reply and it is now Tuesday .There is no excuse for having not done so if he was going to by now .The only excuse I would expect would be death or sudden deployment to the outer Hebrides  (he was navy') .Everyone has facebook connected to there phone these days ,so I have no doubt he would have got the message almost instantly.He's just rude and thinks I'm mental,what else did I expect from a good looking matelot ? Been there done that ,got the t shirt covered in tears ( how dramatic!)

I'll just put it down to an entertaining chance encounter and not that I meet my soulmate on a train or anything equally ridiculous .It is not doubt karma for not plucking up the courage to end things with person currently in my life who is most definitely not my soulmate.

*The text in this post is messed up because I copy and pasted from facebook and it messes everything up!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh man I am gutted!
    Well, clearly he was not your soul mate but just another dodgy commuter.

    Why aren't our lives like match.com adverts??
