Thursday, 23 August 2012

Where's my free stuff? Oh right yeah..

So it appears these days ,all you need to appear on a "celebrity " reality show is to be a tart . This years celebrity  big brother house-mate's include one Danica Thrall .Danica appeared on one programme a few months back ,in fact I actually felt compelled to blog about it back then HERE .She is what is apparently know as a rinser ,she "speaks " to men online and they buy her stuff . You read that correctly ,she only claims it involves having a nice chat .Hey if it's that easy ,sign me up! 

Now Danica is undoubtedly a very good looking young girl but the gifts she is asking and ultimately receiving ? There quite frankly ridiculous . What gives her the sheer audacity and why do these men do it ? I don't understand ,according to the woman her self they receive nothing but a little chat in return. Who would buy her a £167,000 pendant just for a chat ? Yes she is beautiful but lord there are million pretty girls out there .If that's easy why aren't they all doing? Truthfully It makes me really jealous that some girls can get away with this kind of crap . Danica fancies a new car ,computer or piece of jewellery some fool will just buy it for her . A link to her wishlist was posted online this week ,it makes interesting reading .As well asking and receiving the aforementioned pendant , Miss Thrall expects men to buy everything even down to her hair products ,nail polish and fake tan. I wonder how long she will keep this up ?  Then what ,will she have to sell all her presents to live ? Or will she have to take more drastic measures .Ultimately though,it's not going to end up like that for a girl like Danica ,eventually one of her rich admirers will be foolish enough to marry her. More fool him ,because she is nothing but gold digger that's clear too see .Beauty clouds judgement ,that's clear the world over.

If anyone out there would like to help out a poor ,unfortunate soul .I would like the following :

  • £3000
  • Any car .I don't care .Give me your old banger ,that'll do.
  • Cosmetic dentistry 
  • An new laptop that doesn't overheat to point it feels like it may burn my fingers!! 
  • Some dry shampoo 

Unfortunately I look nothing like Danica , so I guess I will have go without these things and continue be poor and hope that one day I can afford to pay for these things myself .That's supposed to feel better isn't it ? 

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