Monday, 27 August 2012

Procrastination situation.

Hello Imaginary friends , It's Monday evening but it just feels like Sunday because of the pesky bank holiday thrown in .I have "the fear " tonight ,that impending sense of doom when you haven't done a piece of work . After three years without  "the fear " invading my life ,it all too familiar .You know what I'm talking about , your mind starts thinking of all the ways you could either manage to a.) do said work b.) get out of handing it in.It usually involves telling yourself you'll get up at 6am ,or stay up all night too it .If it's really impossible, then you start concocting an illness that will prevent from handing it in . How Ill will have to be ? Time to wheel out those acting skills ,your going to need a sick voice.

It's always the same , it starts with telling yourself you'll do the work early this time .No panic for me this time you think .Then real life comes in ,everything else becomes more interesting ,including writing blog posts about not doing work ..

The number of times I would be up half the night doing pieces of coursework at uni ,because well everything about university was more interesting than the work .What's that you need someone to do a massive TESCO shop with you? sure! You want to go Ice skating? I'm in! There's an episode of neighbours I've already seen once today on? I might have missed something! I took procrastination to a skilled art form , making mini models of our kitchen appliances and giving them faces? That takes some beating..Life is endless round of procrastination ,if I thought it would end at uni I was a little naive.If it wasn't for procrastination I may well have taken over the world by now. I bet Barack Obama did all his essays two weeks early.

So now I will no doubt set my alarm for six am then fail to wake up till 8.30 shortly followed by panicking .Then spent roughly half an hour sitting at the dining table ,reading as fast as I possibly can and writing notes in semi English .Come one o'clock  I will arrive at my meeting having prepared a selection of sentences in my head which make it sound like I know what I'm talking about . Life people ,is an endless blag don't let anyone tell you otherwise .

1 comment:

  1. Oh 'The Fear'. I know it well. I hope it went OK this week =)
