Monday, 13 August 2012

Things I know now I'm older.

A little while ago, I wrote a blog post about the passage of time and suddenly realizing that you’ve grown up,without ever knowing in until it smacks you in the face one day. I tend to be a little bit (..) of a negative Nancy when it comes to getting older, I put this down to being content .If your content with your life, if you’ve achieved your dreams. If you have dream career, the husband the babies I can’t imagine that age is that scary. It’s when your lacking that times moves ridiculously faster .In the spirit of trying to move past the negative ,I’ve decided to look the positive aspects of being an “adult “as opposed to a “young adult “ surely there must be some?

Realizing that not everyone likes you (stop people pleasing)

It’s a fact of life that people will not like you .I tried so hard for years and years ,always being the doormat so people kept me as their friend .It does not  work ,some people are just not compatible with you. Others will take one look at all and decide they don’t like you. Those guys simply aren’t worth your time anyway .A prime example was ,when as a student I moved into a new house full of people who were already friends .Most of them were friendly enough to make some kind of effort ,but one particular girl was unfeasibly rude .She looked me up and down like something on her shoe ,she grilled me the first day of moving in with a game of twenty questions Clearly unsatisfied with my answers she never spoke word to me for the rest of the year .Even going as far ,as to have us both cooking our dinner in silence . She would write facebook statues about how alone she felt in the house when I was clearly downstairs . It’s a harsh fact of life but some people just aren’t very nice .So if your reading this Kendra ,your rudest person I’ve ever meet oh and you looked ridiculous in your gangsta girl get up. South Bristol is not Harlem

It’s not a crime to not have 28273282 friends

This connected to the first point . Choose your friends wisely ,if you’ve only got two but there good friends who care about you that’s what matters. Having 4565 acquaintances who probably wouldn’t piss on you ,if you were on fire doesn’t matter .

Fashion does not matter

O.K so I might be stretching it a little here .I obviously don’t wear clothes from 80s or 90s but neither am I slave to what’s apparently “on trend “ but quite frankly no body likes every trend going .Don’t wear it if you feel ridiculous just because it’s on a mannequin in Topshop : For example

Nice timeless dress .

Hideous .

Once your older no one cares about you dress like ,that is unless your a hipster in which case your probably an idiot anyway .

Hardly anyone (over 10 years old) is actually a size 8

Go to any clothes shop and see how many size 6s and 8s are on the rack .Dozens . Stop obsessing about being a particular size .Life is too short for starvation ,morbidly obese ? Yes bad ,actually enjoying food ? Not a problem . Oh and that Bmi stuff? Bollocks.

Credits cards are bad idea 

It's not free money and one day they want it back and they want it back now !!

Life is hideously short .

Take every  opportunity that comes your way .Take every job , feel your days with hobbies , go out every single night out you can . Shag every boy you want .You never get the chance to be young again , you never get chance of a re do or reset button .You have take life the first time round . Think about your life as photo album you'll show your grandchildren ,what are they going see? what did you do ? ( today to make yourself proud !!..)

Men are a strange species and you will NEVER work them out 

Men come from a different planet .One where not texting back for days is fine , having sex often but never speaking is fine .Trapping you in their room with nothing but a nickeback CD and a cheese sandwich is apparently fine. They don't get any easier to understand or any different .Sorry but it's true. You can't make them like you no matter how hard you try either.

Eating is NOT cheating 

A phrase touted about quite a bit .Not eating is a recipe to being carried out of a club ,or failing that forcibly kicked out by angry bouncers. Bloody eat something silly girls.

Learning does not stop at school or university 

People with no general knowledge outside of the national curriculum drive me mad . Read books ,watch interesting documentaries.Let it infiltrate your mind ,the world can be quite an interesting place .


I'm sure there are many others things I know now that I didn't know at 18 ,and there are many things I still haven't come to terms with at twenty six.

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