Thursday, 29 November 2012
After two long months of email hacking and despair ,I am able to get back into my blog!!
It's nearly 2am right ,now and I've already spent half the night typing up some or other. ( book,novels etc that kind of swizzle) .Tomorrow I shall dedicated to revamping this place and getting back to what I seemed quite into while back.
Helen x
Monday, 1 October 2012
Internet anonymity : Are you ready for your close up?
I don't think I've really considered the impact of writing this blog .Right about now it's a tiny corner of the internet read by absolutely no one at all .I am insignificant , unremarkable to even the people who know me in real life .I rarely give it a thought ,that my postings could one day be analysed .Nobody does even unless there particularly narcissistic or very successful. When Jeremy Forrest went missing with Megan Stammers last week I bet he didn't give a second thought about how the trail he'd left on the internet would be scrutinised .His lovestruck and really quite awful lyrics picked to pieces ,his blog posts deemed self absorbed . Every inch of his life and personality has been looked at with a fine tooth comb ,perhaps you think he deserved that for what he did. I certainly don't think his wife deserved to her wedding pictures splashed across the papers.
Blogging is a incredibly self absorbed idea anyway ,your writing about your thoughts ,your feelings as if you expect someone out their to care what you have too say .I struggle to get anyone in my real life to care enough ,so quite how I think the rest of world will care I don't know .
What would the press say about me? That I was lonely ,worried about my future .That I was once a bit promiscuous. The truth is the press can manipulative you into being anything that fits their chosen story. I've been following the Stammers & Forrest story quite a bit , he playing the part of the villain ,she the innocent school girl . Using a obviously out of date school photo doesn't fool me into thinking she was an unwilling accomplice . Forrest's supposed disturbing lyrics means nothing to me either.Who remembers these lyrics from about 10 years ago,I highly doubt any members of the band have now committed suicide.
Cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort
No breathing
Don't give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding
While I engaged in a lively debate about the the supposed abduction of Megan on a popular forum ,such was the vitriol flying around I didn't dare divulge my true feelings on the matter .Personally I think the idea that she was abducted is absolutely ridiculous , abduction is taken away against your will .People who are abducted get bound gagged and thrown in the back of cars ,they are not found happily strolling round cities in southern France taking photos and hugging their apparent captor . I totally gone off topic now ,it's funny now it's easy to express an opinion when no one is watching .We shouldn't be afraid of opinions ,those who aren't though get labelled mouthy and rude .It's best to just shut up and follow the general concensus most of the time. I very much doubt that the contents of his blog crossed Mr Forrest's mind as he crossed the channel with a 15 yr old .
I don't think most of realize what were leaving behind on the internet everyday .If were checking in everyday then everything is fine ,if our blog is obscure then it's fine .I find it quite a sobering thought that my messed up brain and all it neuroses could one day be exposed to world. I suppose the important thing then is remain anonymous ,to never get into trouble or create infamy for ourselves . I'm sure that many of us have blog post or diaries or simply facebook messages we'd rather the rest of the world didn't see.
We may see ourselves as one thing but rest of the world might view us differently all together.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Don't grow up it's a trap.
I write to you today from my bed ,why I lie with a monstrous hangover . The proportion of which I have not had for some time .A few years ago when I was much more social active young women ,I drank on far more regular basis and the hangovers were there but not enough to perhaps not start drinking again the next day. I've had some memorable morning afters in lifetime .Throwing up on the bus up the Gloucester road ,spending the entire day on the toilet floor just two examples.
Around 1am after many many drinks I found myself in the kitchen ,with the host basically wailing "I don't want to grow up " at each other .It's some ways that is true . The thing is I'm not a proper grown up like my old friends are ,with their houses and weddings ,and serious jobs .I'm still a baby ,I'm still the same as I was at eighteen . It's not a case of not wanting to grow up at all ,I'd give my left arm to have those things (literally take it away in exchange for a house? ) . I just don't want to be become middle aged too soon .I still want to do silly things ,and mix my drinks and get terrible hangovers .I'm not ready to sit round sipping wine and discussing house prices . Partly because I'm never going to own a house ,partly because I'm not a lazy middle class cliche.
Someone said to me last night that we , at twenty -six coming up for twenty -seven are already half way through our lives .Half way ?! I was horrified at the thought . For start my life would have to end at 52 ,which is rather tragically early. While I realise that I have "lived a bit" ,had childhood & adolescence and been a young adult I don't feel like my life has even really began let alone half over.It's doesn't take a genius to work out why .I have so many milestones I haven't achieved ,the prospect of my life being already half over is terrifying .Does that mean if you get all you want,what is there left to aim for? I don't know . I guess that is why some people live in contentment with their lot ,while others have affairs or mid life crisis .
I wonder how many more nights there will be like last night . Free to drink ourselves silly ,"the no baby club" everyone one of us still childless .One day the drunken meets up will morph into coffee with sleeping babies in tow .Not for me ,though I'm going stay the same ,perceptually underachieving at simply living a normal life . Then will we simply lose any connection we ever had . People are changing , while I stay the same .I'm peter pan ,only my life is nothing like a fairytale.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
"They don't remember the spice girls "
My gosh I'm a rubbish blogger . It's been far too long since I posted anything here .I do have a very lengthy post saved but I'm still debating weather or not too post it . My blog is already far more personal than I ever intended it to be . I thought it was moving away from diary style writing but it appears I am bit too used to writing that way . So what have I been musing about lately ?
Well I sitting on the bus other day as you do ( if your a peasant like me) ,an excellent place to think and a source of people watching .You can't deny it ,everybody loves a spot of people watching . I think it was when I spotted two girls walking down the street ,normal teenagers nothing special . They wouldn't have look any different to me ten years. Then I starting thinking to myself ,how long is a generation?
At what point does someone become out your generation ,do the the common factors disappear and you've basically got nothing in common . Five years? Ten years? I'm not sure I share many generation aspects with a thirty six year or for that matter a sixteen year old .I suspect the sixteen year would think I was old ,past it and didn't understand them at all . It's scary ,It doesn't feel that long ago I was a teenager but the last time I could count myself as one,that teenager was eight years old.
A 15 year old today wasn't even born when the Spice girl were about ( for the first time) I mean seriously ? THEY.DON'T.REMEMBER.THE.SPICE.GIRLS.
Then I went all nostalgic ,as I tend to do a lot .And I come up with a list all the words ,crazes etc I remember from being a teenager .I worry if kids even use them today,or have they faded away in late 90s - early 00s oblivion .I don't know any teenagers personally to ask .I'm twenty six it would look a little weird ,if I marched out to the crowds who suddenly appear in my street and ask them if they fancied sharing some cider. There is a word for people like that.
1.) Backwash - Never ever drink the end somebodies drink ,because apparently it's 99% their spit .In fact never ever drink anything you have haven't opened your self because they've probably spat in it . I haven't heard anyone use this since about 2001.
2.) Gay - Circa when I was school .Everything bad was gay ie "school is gay " "This homework is gay " "Those trainers are gay " " Mr Clarke is gay " get the message .Do kids still do this? Or are they all right on and love the gays now ? are the gay kids camping it up in the corridors ,high kicking their way to maths perhaps?
3.) Lush - The opposite of gay .Lush is anything amazing . "This sausage roll is lush " " Ritchie from 5ive is lush "" Michael Owen is lush " "I'm going to the millennium dome next week ,it's going to be lush ".
4.) Halfmast - School trousers that were too short and socks could be seen . I hated this at school , I was paranoid about the length of my trousers .To the point were I wore ridiculously long trousers that covered my whole shoe at one point . Once my trousers were bit short and some cretin took the mick out of my socks .MY SOCKS! kids will pick on anything.
5.) Two stripe - Non branded PE clothing .Ie Gola . Ie "urghh two stripe " Not having three stripes for adidas on your ridiculous popper tracksuit bottoms . Also florescent trainers were very in . Lime green reeboks ,the height of cool circa 2000.
Oh so stylish with the accompanying ORANGE tracksuit .
6.) Bumming - Not what your thinking ,I didn't go to private school . Bumming happens when sharing cigarettes ,because your a teenager your sharing them obviously .I don't smoke ,never have done but on rare occasions I took part in either your standard fag or something a bit more cheeky I always got accused of bumming .Essentially getting the end of the fag wet ,so shock horror my spit would go in next person to suck what was left of it's mouth! Therefore I try to place whatever it was as lightly as possible on my lips, rendering it pointless and never getting high !
(I was going to included "bogging " here ,but since no one I have ever asked as ever heard this phrase aside from people from my home town I won't bother. I appeal to you though ,If you read this and know what I mean by bogging leave a comment below !)
I will leave you with this gem.
The dance routine
The camouflage
The fact two of them are still around .
Monday, 10 September 2012
The xx / coexist.Review?
One of favourite albums ,Is the XX - XX
I'm not a music reviewer ,I'm not a muso and I am no "dickhead " so I won't attempt to review it properly only to say that it is beautiful & melancholy .It's prefect for lying in dark rooms and doing a some thinking . It's not a happy album ,well that is understatement .It's about lying in your room and thinking about lost love or the meaning of your existence . I will never get bored of it , were as I can imagine a vast amount of people would find it unbearable dirge on the first listen .I'm not much of follower of new music ,in the sense I don't know when new music is going to be released .So when I saw a review of the new album by the xx I did get a little excited.
Everyone knows 2ND albums aren't the same ..
Words can not express how disappointed I was/am . While the first album was full of memorable tracks,I fell in love with , with lyrics that punched you in the face and heart . The new offering has nothing of the sort ,it's literally just noise to my ears .I feel nothing,the tracks go absolutely now where . One track was released months go "angels ".
I can understand why this was released early it's easily the best and most memorable track .Not one of the ten other tracks on "coexist" as made the impact . Put it this way ,normally one listen and I'll remember a track whether I like it or not. After two full listens ,I have to admit I turned it off and put on their first album in disgust .For me music is very much chosen by mood , happy playlists ,depressing playlists ,writing playlists.Perhaps I'm being a little pretentious ,but unless it's cheesy pop music or something to dance to.I need music to actually make me feel something and this album made me feel nothing but bored and disappointed . Not something I actively choose to feel.
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Throw of a dice.
Life is a never
ending set of what if , circumstances and chance . Everything that happens to
us ,is all determined by the slightest decision .It might not seem like it but
start thinking and you will realize just how fragile your very existence is . As
we move from decision to decision throughout our lives, particularly when we
are younger ,it’s easy to not see the bigger picture .To think beyond the next
week, month or year. I can pinpointed a series of events that have lead up to
were my life is now .I don’t sit here
thinking to myself ,how did my life end up in the disaster it is .The events
are clear as day ,etched on my memory like scars . When I was about eleven
years old ,I had very bad or shall we say terrifying experience at the dentist
.From this I never went again (aside from once when I was 20) , and therefore I
have horrific teeth to this day. Due this to men do not and will never fancy me
.Consequently I am not married or do I have a prospect of this happening. Obviously
as child in a dentist chair scared out of my wits, I had no idea of the consequences
on my future life. Knowing that I was hideous to men ,I have taken up every bit
of the paltry male attention I’ve received in my life .I’ve slept with men I’ve
meet in taxi queues & fallen in love
with every man who ever showed the slightest hint of reciprocation of feelings.
The consequences of being left on the shelf are financial, social and emotion .And
all because of one fateful day in a dentists.
It’s true that I am
a born pessimistic, I think a lot of us are , we find it easier to remember the
bad decisions we’ve made in life rather than celebrate the positive . When I
was seventeen I sat on a field with my then best friend ,smoked some weed and we
decided to leave education ,rather than leaving the idea behind in drugged up
haze I actually did that and messed up my whole life . If there is a parallel
universe out there , then there is a very different version of me in it . She
stayed at college ,went to university when she should have . I suspect she went
to a better university , did a more worth course and graduated perfectly on time
.Now parallel me has had a good job for five years ,she probably had the money
to get those teeth fixed. Perhaps she even persuaded someone to marry her .I
might even have kids, something I increasingly realize probably isn’t going to
I guess it comes
down to idea of whether or not life is mapped out for us from the start .Which
puts a religious spin into the matter .I’m not remotely religious myself ,I
find myself thinking too practically .If God existed ,he wouldn’t plan any ones
life to be full of misery or heartbreak . If I’d turned different corners would have
ended up at the same destination? The circumstances of my even existing are quite
ridiculous. A uprising in a foreign land leading to hasty decision to move to
one of three countries, were by chance 15 years later (she having being forced
out that night ) my dad meet my mum in a club.
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Selling my old life .
I'm selling stuff on ebay .Not something I've done for a while , but it's dire straits here! There are mainly my old "clubbing" frocks and since I don't go clubbing any more ,they just sit in my wardrobe reminding me of the old days!!
I only wore this dress a few times but she could probably tell you some tales!!
More to be added later!
Monday, 27 August 2012
Procrastination situation.
Hello Imaginary friends , It's Monday evening but it just feels like Sunday because of the pesky bank holiday thrown in .I have "the fear " tonight ,that impending sense of doom when you haven't done a piece of work . After three years without "the fear " invading my life ,it all too familiar .You know what I'm talking about , your mind starts thinking of all the ways you could either manage to a.) do said work b.) get out of handing it in.It usually involves telling yourself you'll get up at 6am ,or stay up all night too it .If it's really impossible, then you start concocting an illness that will prevent from handing it in . How Ill will have to be ? Time to wheel out those acting skills ,your going to need a sick voice.
It's always the same , it starts with telling yourself you'll do the work early this time .No panic for me this time you think .Then real life comes in ,everything else becomes more interesting ,including writing blog posts about not doing work ..
The number of times I would be up half the night doing pieces of coursework at uni ,because well everything about university was more interesting than the work .What's that you need someone to do a massive TESCO shop with you? sure! You want to go Ice skating? I'm in! There's an episode of neighbours I've already seen once today on? I might have missed something! I took procrastination to a skilled art form , making mini models of our kitchen appliances and giving them faces? That takes some beating..Life is endless round of procrastination ,if I thought it would end at uni I was a little naive.If it wasn't for procrastination I may well have taken over the world by now. I bet Barack Obama did all his essays two weeks early.
So now I will no doubt set my alarm for six am then fail to wake up till 8.30 shortly followed by panicking .Then spent roughly half an hour sitting at the dining table ,reading as fast as I possibly can and writing notes in semi English .Come one o'clock I will arrive at my meeting having prepared a selection of sentences in my head which make it sound like I know what I'm talking about . Life people ,is an endless blag don't let anyone tell you otherwise .
Sunday, 26 August 2012
The Sunday Ramble
Evening ,imaginary blog friends ( how ridiculous on a website called blogger that gets out the red line..) .I thought it was time for an update which was more on the cheerful side .I can be a bit a miser ,no wonder I'm lonely.I've had a rather average weekend ,no raving it up at Reading for me .In fact I've never even been to a festival at the grand old age of twenty six ,shameful no doubt .This evening though,I made a break through I've been trying for months .Since April I am been writing on and off ,I currently sit at 38,000 words .This is not a milestone though,no I have finally cracked a key moment in said "collection of words" that my brain had seemingly refused to create in till now . This breakthrough means I can build so much more both before and after ,I am so pleased .I also downloaded some software which reads your work aloud ,so you tell if it sounds appalling .It's slightly feels like doing a huge piece of coursework but not being enrolled anywhere but I don't care I'm so invested in it .I will complete my challenge!
Here are two photos that represent my 1st world poverty :
My dire need for a hair cut. The truth is I detest going to the hairdressers.All that looking at your own face and never getting what you actually asked for .Hence the cousin It look.
My bedside arrangement which consists of a broken £1.50 Ikea lamp and a stack of celebrity autobiographies .My favourite is Russell Brand Fyi .The 1st ,second one is all "I'm famous ..oo there's Katy Perry" Rubbish.
I wonder how celebrities manage to recall incidents from say twenty years ago with such detail .I can barely remember a thing prior to the age of sixteen .Either I have an awful memory or they making a lot of stuff up.The early stages of my biography would go something like this :
Infant school
Caterpillars everywhere
Stuck Glue in a girls hair
Spice girl dancing
That time I had Yellow hair
On Saturday I conducted a physic experiment to choose my lottery numbers .Semi convinced I might win ,I went online and created a somewhat over hopeful wishlist .So somewhere privately on the internet ,is a list of items that should I at some point in the future win the lottery ,I will immediately purchase .As was highly predictable I failed to get a single number on Saturday night's draw.Because I am unfathomably unlucky ,if I was remotely religious I may consider I'd done something heinous in a previous life. Unfortunately I can't blame God ,because he doesn't exist.
I think is quite enough of a ramble for a Sunday night .
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Non-beauty girl lazy make up.
If like me you are a lazy cow and this is a frequent scenario :
Self : I'll Just watch this /go on youtube/ play facebook game for five minutes ..I've got hours..
*3 hours later *
Self : WAH ! Need to the leave house in 10 minutes and look like a corpse !
I'm not really a girl who likes to spend hours faffing with make up .If it's evening event then I will make an effect but for the day time ,I just like to not to look dead and washed out . That's how I have streamlined daytime make up to six items which can be applied in less than 10 minutes .Winner.
Rimmel wake up me up foundation - This is best foundation ever basically .Not like I've even tried crazy expensive brands .It basically takes you from zombie to alive in seconds .Simply ace stuff .
Rimmel stay matte powder - Confession ,sometimes I'm so lazy .I only use this ..
Collection 2000 primed and ready - I love primer ,I have read a lot of beauty blog who claim they don't use it .I need it! I had used much more expensive ones but guess what ? the £5.99 one is exactly the same! like whacking on polyfiller to fill in the cracks!
Mua bronzer - £1 bronzer for those cheekbones .Expect my cheekbones don't seem be at the same level? does anyone else have this problem?
Benefit sugarbomb - Stupid expensive but lasts for ever .Round and round those apples until I come to life .
mua mascara - I barely use this .I wear glasses who can see my eyes?!
And done!
Where's my free stuff? Oh right yeah..
So it appears these days ,all you need to appear on a "celebrity " reality show is to be a tart . This years celebrity big brother house-mate's include one Danica Thrall .Danica appeared on one programme a few months back ,in fact I actually felt compelled to blog about it back then HERE .She is what is apparently know as a rinser ,she "speaks " to men online and they buy her stuff . You read that correctly ,she only claims it involves having a nice chat .Hey if it's that easy ,sign me up!
Now Danica is undoubtedly a very good looking young girl but the gifts she is asking and ultimately receiving ? There quite frankly ridiculous . What gives her the sheer audacity and why do these men do it ? I don't understand ,according to the woman her self they receive nothing but a little chat in return. Who would buy her a £167,000 pendant just for a chat ? Yes she is beautiful but lord there are million pretty girls out there .If that's easy why aren't they all doing? Truthfully It makes me really jealous that some girls can get away with this kind of crap . Danica fancies a new car ,computer or piece of jewellery some fool will just buy it for her . A link to her wishlist was posted online this week ,it makes interesting reading .As well asking and receiving the aforementioned pendant , Miss Thrall expects men to buy everything even down to her hair products ,nail polish and fake tan. I wonder how long she will keep this up ? Then what ,will she have to sell all her presents to live ? Or will she have to take more drastic measures .Ultimately though,it's not going to end up like that for a girl like Danica ,eventually one of her rich admirers will be foolish enough to marry her. More fool him ,because she is nothing but gold digger that's clear too see .Beauty clouds judgement ,that's clear the world over.
If anyone out there would like to help out a poor ,unfortunate soul .I would like the following :
- £3000
- Any car .I don't care .Give me your old banger ,that'll do.
- Cosmetic dentistry
- An new laptop that doesn't overheat to point it feels like it may burn my fingers!!
- Some dry shampoo
Unfortunately I look nothing like Danica , so I guess I will have go without these things and continue be poor and hope that one day I can afford to pay for these things myself .That's supposed to feel better isn't it ?
Monday, 13 August 2012
Things I know now I'm older.
little while ago, I wrote a blog post about the passage of time and suddenly realizing
that you’ve grown up,without ever knowing in until it smacks you in
the face one day. I tend to be a little bit (..) of a negative Nancy when it
comes to getting older, I put this down to being content .If your content with
your life, if you’ve achieved your dreams. If you have dream career, the
husband the babies I can’t imagine that age is that scary. It’s when your
lacking that times moves ridiculously faster .In the spirit of trying to move
past the negative ,I’ve decided to look the positive aspects of being an “adult
“as opposed to a “young adult “ surely there must be some?
that not everyone likes you (stop people pleasing)
a fact of life that people will not like you .I tried so hard for years and
years ,always being the doormat so people kept me as their friend .It does not work ,some people are just not compatible with you. Others will take one look
at all and decide they don’t like you. Those guys simply aren’t worth your time
anyway .A prime example was ,when as a student I moved into a new house full of
people who were already friends .Most of them were friendly enough to make some
kind of effort ,but one particular girl was unfeasibly rude .She looked me up
and down like something on her shoe ,she grilled me the first day of moving in
with a game of twenty questions Clearly unsatisfied with my answers she never
spoke word to me for the rest of the year .Even going as far ,as to have us both
cooking our dinner in silence . She would write facebook statues about how
alone she felt in the house when I was clearly downstairs . It’s a harsh fact
of life but some people just aren’t very nice .So if your reading this Kendra
,your rudest person I’ve ever meet oh and you looked ridiculous in your gangsta
girl get up. South Bristol is not Harlem .
not a crime to not have 28273282 friends
connected to the first point . Choose your friends wisely ,if you’ve only got
two but there good friends who care about you that’s what matters. Having 4565 acquaintances
who probably wouldn’t piss on you ,if you were on fire doesn’t matter .
does not matter
so I might be stretching it a little here .I obviously don’t wear clothes from
80s or 90s but neither am I slave to what’s apparently “on trend “ but quite
frankly no body likes every trend going .Don’t wear it if you feel ridiculous
just because it’s on a mannequin in Topshop : For example
![]() |
Nice timeless dress . |
![]() |
Hideous . Once your older no one cares about you dress like ,that is unless your a hipster in which case your probably an idiot anyway .
Hardly anyone (over 10 years old) is actually a size 8
Go to any clothes shop and see how many size 6s and 8s are on the rack .Dozens . Stop obsessing about being a particular size .Life is too short for starvation ,morbidly obese ? Yes bad ,actually enjoying food ? Not a problem . Oh and that Bmi stuff? Bollocks.
Credits cards are bad idea
It's not free money and one day they want it back and they want it back now !!
Life is hideously short .
Take every opportunity that comes your way .Take every job , feel your days with hobbies , go out every single night out you can . Shag every boy you want .You never get the chance to be young again , you never get chance of a re do or reset button .You have take life the first time round . Think about your life as photo album you'll show your grandchildren ,what are they going see? what did you do ? ( today to make yourself proud !!..)
Men are a strange species and you will NEVER work them out
Men come from a different planet .One where not texting back for days is fine , having sex often but never speaking is fine .Trapping you in their room with nothing but a nickeback CD and a cheese sandwich is apparently fine. They don't get any easier to understand or any different .Sorry but it's true. You can't make them like you no matter how hard you try either.
Eating is NOT cheating
A phrase touted about quite a bit .Not eating is a recipe to being carried out of a club ,or failing that forcibly kicked out by angry bouncers. Bloody eat something silly girls.
Learning does not stop at school or university
People with no general knowledge outside of the national curriculum drive me mad . Read books ,watch interesting documentaries.Let it infiltrate your mind ,the world can be quite an interesting place .
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Just a funny.
Poor lad.
Monday, 6 August 2012
TOP 10 Things to love about the London Olympics
1.) Becoming an armchair expert in sports,
I had literally never watched before .What to know the scoring system for gymnastics
or dressage. I will give you the low down. I am convinced I know difference
between a good and bad pommel horse routine and a 10m platform dive that has
gone wrong.
2.) Bert le clos, swimming dad .What a legend,
so South African and so so proud .I am sure he will become a warm and fuzzy
memory of the 2012 Olympics.
3.) Claire Balding. The best sport
presenters around, never seizes to be interested and knowledgeable about
everything .A woman who is seriously ace at her job. I find myself increasing
frustrated with the sight of Gary Lineker of an evening, who should be the
chained to the match of the day set and never let loose on sports he clearly
has no clue about.
Claire meets Bert.
4.) The terribly posh British nature of many
of the GB medals, dressage, rowing even shooting. Were a walking stereotype,
all be it a golden one. Unfortunately they have not introduced slanging matches ,waitrose shopping trolley dash or competitive baby making to represent our other classes.
5.) The bizarre section of judge and officials
at the athletics mainly consisting of what looks like a lot like dusty old
scientists with enormous eyebrows. Check them out next your watching a field
event.I almost missed Greg Rutherford's winning jump due to the Dennis Healey's on the judge.
6.) Being so incredibly proud for team GB
that I have actually cried for people I have never and never will meet. Alan
Campbell and his utter exhaustion having to be helped by Steve Redgrave after winning his bronze. Gemma Gibbons
winning her silver meal in judo and countless other times have had me blubbing.
Gemma at the Judo .That French "girl" was fearsome.
7.)It's on from 9am to nearly midnight everyday. There
is always something on TV! I have not watched a single other programme or film
for ten days .I sense extremely bad withdrawal symptoms ,there better be some
good stuff on when it finishes !
8.) The number of winning athletes singing
the national anthem .Given that we live in 2012 and the national anthem isn’t a
fixture at the cinema anymore (I am assured by my mother that this did happen
at the end of every film!) .The national anthem is mainly reserved for Football
matches, most of our surly love rats national players don’t bother.On a side note ,the fact that the GB football were fairly rubbish and received barely a mention.
9.) Convincing yourself for about ten
minutes of everyday that you could be an athlete in four years, you will do it!
Then discovering the pain, the dedication and agony it takes to be an gold
medal winning athlete .One of my local radio stations interviewed the sister of
Dani King, part of GB gold medal winning cycling team, she revealed that her
sister's one treat a week while training was a nutrigrain bar! .As someone who
pretends that pasta drowning in cheese sauce is healthy, I should probably stop
kidding myself.
I hope that Dani ( L) gets a treat now she is a gold medallist !!
10.) Before the Olympics I was worried that
Great Britain would show themselves up , “what if we win no Gold at all ? “ I
said .The first few days were a little worrying ,we seemed to be losing everything
and my fears crept up a bit .That is why the best thing about the Olympics so
far as been the unprecedented simply amazing performance of team GB.Winning
gold after gold , winning six gold’s on super Saturday was simply amazing. Even
if we do not win another single medal, this Olympics has been outstanding. Finally a time when being British feeling pretty cool. .
{ Honourable mentions go to : Andy Murray cracking wimbledon voodoo and actually smiling,cyclists utter dominance ,Ian Thorpe being utterly no nonsense on the BBC ,Denise lewis going mental when Mo Farrah won gold ,Mo Farrah trying to lift this daughter who nearly his size }
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Olympic Fever
As were are now four days into the London Olympics 2012 I thought it was about time I had my say . I have been sadly neglecting my little blog ,due a combination of writing other things and the fact I am utterly addicted to watching said Olympics games . I've discovered that is quite possible to watch some form of sport from around 9am to midnight ! Obviously some sports are more appealing than others but then are some that really surprise you . The second day had me enthralled by a road cycling race .The sheer stamina that that both the men and woman possess in this sport was awe inspiring .A few months ago I took my old bike out for short trip to the shops ,I arrived home a sweaty shivering mess complaining that all roads were up hill .The women's road race takes place of 140 km of constant speed .It's no wonder the athletes involved possess thighs like this :
I do wonder where this man buys his trousers? Does he have to wear lycra everyday ?
Watching are British athletes compete is somewhat of a roller coaster . It's our natural stance to be the underdog , yes were all cheering like crazy at home and in the stands but inside were probably convinced will lose in till the very last second . As it stands at four days in , the Great Britain team have four medals .Not exactly lighting up the medal table but too me they mean more than any dozen golds given to China . It's not hard to discover how the Chinese treat their athletes , machines bred to churn out Gold at the expensive of anything else .If snatching your children away from home at the age of seven ,to subject them to punishing regimes is the way to get gold then I would rather we had a sea of sliver and bronze . Winning a medal is the culmination of years of hard work and dedication to a sport you choose to dedicate your life too In the UK you've got to make that choice for yourself not be forced into it .
The Olympics is a great time for making you feel a bit of a failure or just plain lazy .Watching it as adult there isn't a lot you can do about it ,perhaps be inspired to go for a swim or a bike ride . What the Olympics is going to do is inspire children who are young enough to be influenced by it .I wish London games had taken place roughly twenty years ago , maybe I would have been inspired to be something .Given that we don't treat our children like the Chinese we need these kind of events to bring children to sport .I'm not quite sure anyone has a made there Olympic swimming début at the age of thirty . If we had a swimming pool near me ,would I go down and see how fast I could swim? to be honest I would be tempted.
For the time being I'm content to sit on the sofa ,watching as many sports as I can . I draw the line at a few events though .Hockey should have been left with the nasty girls at school ,I can't lose that connection I'm afraid . Water polo was a bit strange and I thought handball was for rainy PE lessons? I am newly converted to cycling , volleyball and basketball which were all much exciting than imagined .
Now I need to watch some tennis ..followed by some Gymnastics ..then some Eventing ..
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Weekend Sunshine.
I always like to see these kind of posts .I tend to be a little too serious when I write here ,which isn't really me.
1.) Fried eggs from a proper sweet shop ,2.) As near to the as I got to the beach 3.) Gorgeous flower in my Nans garden, 4.) The wilderness 5.) At the pub drinking cider in the sunshine.
Rejoice for summer has finally arrived! haven't we needed it ? I feel like everyone has been walking round more miserable than usual . Now everyone has flung off there winter clothes at last ,apart from the old ladies at bus stop still in their raincoats . The rest of world was out making the most if it . The beach was utterly packed meaning ,we drove past but couldn't take advantage of it . It's only pebbles ,but I wanted ice cream. Lets hope this last's into next weekend ,we've had enough rain for an entire year!
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Knock Knock ,Whose there ? : The future
that your not that young anymore. That is a hard one to swallow.
should be rather obvious, the passage of time but really it creeps up on you out
of know where .You do not see it coming; it is a land in the distant future. Then
suddenly your that age you always thought was “old “, for grown ups .The age changes
as you get older that’s only natural .When you’re a young teenager, it seems
impossible that you will ever be eighteen .Eighteen is a mythical land, were
you can literally do anything you want and life will be exciting twenty four
seven .Then you finally hit eighteen, and it’s twenty. The fuss I have heard
people make about turning twenty. I could quite happily remove an (unnecessary)
organ or two to be twenty again .It is really the last birthday that does not
have real tinge of getting older, twenty-one is the height of youth .The whole
world is waiting for you to attack it. No one is going to bat a lid if your single,
studying or decide to waste a year travelling round the world .Your young and
that’s what young people do. No one is married, not many people have kids and
careers are really something you can put off for a bit. Life can be a party if
you want it to be.
you wake up one morning and it is your birthday, and you are the wrong side of twenty-five
and you think to yourself where did the last five years go? You have done it again;
as you have your whole life, forgotten that one day the distant age catches up
with you. You are not waiting for sixteen, eighteen or even twenty-one anymore.
In a few of these flying years, you are going to the 30 .Thirty. Whose thirty? Parents,
teachers, proper adults. Adults who have careers, mortgages and do not get fall
down drunk anymore ( well not every weekend ). Kudos if you have all things by
the time you can (just about) count the months in until your thirty but what if
you don’t.
a consequence of living in the moment ,not being prepared for being older . Let
the party slow down? You’ll find yourself spat out into a unfamiliar land.
Looking down at yourself and wondering if your clothes are too young, that your
drinking too much, that talking about your sexual exploits would be inappropriate.
Suddenly needing to do that growing up in double time .The future ,your future it’s
now ,in your face like an enormous alarm clock “ ding ding time to grow up now
,parties over sunshine”. I knew I was really getting older when I worked about how many childbearing years I had left .I'm pretty sure I didn't even have a biological clock two years ago.Now she's ( oh it's a woman for sure ) ticking quietly below the surface. She hammers are away a bit more every time someone else drops a sprog .
isn’t just a number .I am getting older ,things annoy me that never would
bothered me before .The other day I turned down radio 1 and called it a “racket
“ ,I had done it before I realized how old I sounded .Teenagers are total aliens
,and I cross the street to avoid them. I don’t understand their words, I DON’T
UNDERSTAND THEIR LANGUAGE!? How old am I? This is not good. Seriously, what
does Pwned mean? In fact, I know that “pwned “means “owned”, but in my advanced
age I don’t understand they can’t just write “owned”. I wonder if we used such
ridiculous language, the truth is we probably did and someone was probably writing
a blog post very similar to this ten years ago. On windows 98.
“Why are Kids telling me to “talk to
the hand” ?,what does this mean ?”
am aware that I’m not drawing my pension anytime soon ,that is clear but as I
said age is relative and right now I’d quite like to get a hold of Bernard’s magical
watch .Click it ,stop it ,just a for a little bit .I promise I won’t change
things to much or get up to mischief ,just let me catch up a bit.
[ While looking for a photo of Bernard's watch ,I found a internet rumour that Bernard had in fact died ,well the actor but I couldn't find out if this was true .If so R.I.P Bernard ,you and queens nose 50p gave my 90s childhood unrealistic expectations of inanimate objects .Cheers ]
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Work Hard V Play hard.
Last night BBC three showed another Cherry Healey "how to get a life "documentary. I’m quite the fan of Cherry I think she is pretty cool and always tries anything thrown at her with gusto ( last nights podium dancing, case in point ) .I guess you could say she lives the kind of life I can but dream off ,making documentaries and also having husband and super cute baby. Anyway, enough about my Cherry crush.
Last night included a host of characters working too hard, playing hard or trying to combine both. The programme struck up many opinions and at some points, I was close to being angry, with the subjects and somewhat with society in general. First up we had a young chap who confessed to working a twenty-hour day, quite how that is humanely possible I was not sure. Imagine my shock when it also was revealed this man was actually younger than I am. The hours were clear to see in his face .Surviving on a diet of red bull and pro plus so you and succeed, how can any one maintain that week in week? I did it once and can honestly say I felt like I was having a heart attack, the heart palpations were terrifying. The pressure to succeed was so great that he risked his health and relationship with his son. At first, I was horrified at his overly intense work ethic but then I questioned myself, where does that come from and why don't I have it? what makes someone push themselves to such extreme lengths. It's all very well earning all that money but were do you see the benefits ? Reap what you sow? Ultimately, he had no plans to change.
workplace and finding any work these days is so difficult
and competitive that in years to come were going to see more and more
people working themselves into an early grave just to get ahead. I am much more
in favour of a living in the moment stance to life, it’s
all very well working like a dog for the future but how do you know that's even coming? It's a cliché but you really don't know what is round the corner.Also featured were two sets of people who take this idea to the extreme.
The lads who worked on a chicken farm all week, who could really blame them for
wanting weekend of glory. When you have an unsatisfying job, you live for your days
off and nights out. Without them, there really is nothing left to live for. I
really identified with them as I suspect a lot of people would .When
I was working long hours in a job that was tedious ,made my head explode with
boredom .I spent every moment of my spare time trying to block it out ,making
the most of every second that I wasn't there . The boys featured in the documentary
took it to the extreme though, spending every penny that for the week in one night. I am sure they could have had a cheaper night out and not apparently starved for rest of the week.
Next up were the glamorous club promoter girls .Girls actually paid
to party,it's enforced fun said Cherry . I thought they had a good deal at first,
partying five night’s a week for a living. It is a very hollow existence though,
how long will they be considered glamorous enough to live such a life? what happens after the fun is over .It didn't stop me feeling momentarily jealous of there life. There is so much pressure to have a good job , work hard to be successful but also have an active social life as well that you can end up burning yourself out .Constantly burning the candle at both ends ,just asks for trouble everyone needs time off eventually .A "super mum" featured last night ,ended up in hospital but I've written nothing about her as she is irritated me so much. There is pride and then there is just showing off " Look I nearly killed myself so I could buy designer shoes " no cares what shoes your wearing in the end ,if your dead!
Personally ,yes I would like to have more work ethic more get up and go but not at the expense of my physical or mental health. We only get one shot at life ,there are no second chances why spend it chasing impossible goals .Have fun ,work hard but enjoy what little time you have before it's too late.
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