Holiday,Random night out,new years,a Tuesday,university,eurovision,another tuesday, mid afternoon in churchyard ..
There isn't a lot as Brits we won't involve Alcohol in , celebrating or commiserating ? Then we better get some booze in . It's just that we take to a different level than are foreign chums .There is the standard birthday ,deaths and marriages .Ever been to a dry wedding reception ? and that awkward bit before everyone has a drink doesn't count apart from show what it would be like minus any alcohol . The speeches ,the dancing without alcohol? just not the same.
Everyone has heard of wetting the baby head ,where did that one come from? .Then are the secondary reasons for a drink ,wedding anniversaries ,birthdays ,end of academic term/work dos ....All fairly normal affairs.
Then we get in all manner of other excuses to get hammered.
.Sporting event .. whether you're attending or not .
.The 4th of July ( when your British,yes I've done this )
.Christmas eve
.New years eve
.It's sunny ! lets have a BBQ ! where's that wine!
. Euro-vision party!
.Utter Boredom ( Uni anyone?)
.It's Friday/Saturday/Wednesday..
.Going on holiday airport drinks!
.Just got back from Holiday (depressed ) drinks!
.Hen nights/stag nights
."fuck yeah I'm single " drinking!
.I've had the shittiest week ever drinking!
The list is pretty endless but today I found a reason that out weighs them all .
Oh yes .The lovely citizens of my fair town ,used to the occasion of someone running a flame past them for approximately five seconds to get pissed . By the time it actually turned up ,a drunken man was yelling the immortal drunk chant of "oggy oggy oggy " while standing on a bin .I barely saw the torch myself because a sloshed woman,no spring chicken mind , shoved me out the way while singing " we love *insert name of town* we do " in my ear .Classy .Perhaps our spot outside a pub wasn't the best bet .
I'm not adverse to drink ,that's putting it mildly but it does feel like as nation we will literally turn anything into a booze up.
What's the most ridiculous reason you've had for a few beverages?
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